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Home>News>Info Flash n° 53 – Belgian Luminism in the spotlight

Info Flash n° 53 – Belgian Luminism in the spotlight

Edmond Verstraeten exhibition in Schwaan (Germany) , April 1-June 17, 2023

Belgian Luminism is an original adaptation of the Impressionist concept of French origin. It exalts the clearest irradiations of light and the search for pictorial effects capable of restoring them…

In 1904 most of the Belgian Impressionists presented themselves under the new banner of the Association “Vie et Lumière” around Emile Claus. The most active luminist focus was then in East Flanders, in the Ghent region as well as in the Lys valley, where Jean Delvin, Léon de Smet and Edmond Verstraeten stood out for the quality and variety of their works.

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